Applications for 1-million-pataca subsidy to revitalise Mong-Ha Villas starts today

2022-11-01 04:33
BY Yuki Lei

Applications for the government’s subsidy programme to revitalise Mong-Ha Villas will be accepted from today to January 13 next year, the Cultural Development Fund said in a statement yesterday.

The statement noted that the subsidy will amount to up to one million patacas, while the subsidy period is limited to 60 months, including up to 12 months to implement the revitalisation project and to apply for  various licences. The statement added that an interim assessment will be conducted in the 36th month of the funding period.

The statement underlined that only one of the applicants will be able to benefit from the subsidy.

Based on the principles of building conservation, community development, commercial operation and cultural characteristics, the applicants should clarify their target plans for the Mong-Ha Villas and explore the historical background of the community in the Mong-Ha area, as well as propose the revitalisation plan for the 10 villas, the statement said.

According to the statement, three of the villas will be jointly operated by the successful applicant and local cultural associations, which must be used as facilities for artistic and cultural exhibitions and parent-child activities, while for the remaining seven villas the successful applicant must present a plan for speciality restaurants, cultural and creative brand sales or service sector activities there.

According to the statement, the Cultural Development Fund will rent out 10 of the Mong-Ha Villas on Avenida do Coronel Mesquita to the successful applicant who will be provided with the one million pataca subsidy for renovation and promotion expenses before the opening of the properties to the public.

The statement pointed out that interested companies may download the application form from the fund’s website: Enquiries can be made on 2850 1000 or by email:

The statement noted that the fund will hold an online seminar at 11 a.m. next Monday to answer potential applicants’ questions. The statement added that interested parties can apply for the online seminar before 10 a.m. on that day by calling 2850 1000 or emailing 

This poster provided by the Cultural Development Fund yesterday shows the details for applying for the government’s subsidy programme to revitalise the Mong-Ha Villas. 


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