Transport Bureau launches ‘Macau Smart Go’ with new functions

2022-11-15 03:32
BY Yuki Lei

In order to continue to promote the development of smart traffic, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) has launched a formal version of the “Macau Smart Go” app that incorporates new functions, namely a map for buses, taxis, and walking, optimisation of driving, the dissemination of information in real-time on traffic conditions, public carparks, and availability of parking metres equipped with sensors, enabling users to obtain details of different kinds of travel and transport information in advance, so that they can better plan their trips. 

According to a DSAT statement yesterday, the new version aims to facilitate user travel. The main interface of the app has added bus, taxi, and walking modes. On the basis of the original real-time road map, a variety of landmarks have been added, such as bus stops, taxi ranks, and pick-up and drop-off areas. The statement added that the app will also provide bus stop-by-stop routes, bus stop announcements, bus schedules, and information about available taxis, suggested taxi routes and reference fares. 

The statement said that when users click on different coordinates of the map provided by the app, by zooming in and out of the map, they can obtain the surrounding public transport information, such as bus, taxi and light rail stops and carpark information, such as electric vehicle spare parking spaces and noninductive payment offered by public carparks. When users select the app’s driving mode, they can check the availability of surrounding public carparks or parking spaces with ground sensors, their estimated travel time and distance through the app, the statement added.

A number of scenic spots and landmarks in Macau will be added to the app which will enable users to plan their travel routes in real time, according to the statement. The statement also pointed out that the app includes the function of a one-click connection to the bureau’s website, so as to allow the public to make enquiries and appointments. 

This image provided by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) yesterday shows the QR code of the “Macau Smart Go” app.


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