2023 New Year Message by Macao SAR Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng

2022-12-31 19:22
BY admin

Marching Ahead in Unity, Joining Hands to Open Up New Horizons

Dear citizens and friends,

Hello, everyone!

Time flies and 2023 is fast approaching. At this happy moment of bidding farewell to the past and welcoming the New Year, I – on behalf of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government and in a personal capacity – would like to convey sincere good wishes to all people in Macao, and all friends of Macao who care about and support the development of the city. I wish you all good health and a Happy New Year.

COVID-19 made 2022 a challenging year for Macao, especially with the severe impact of the “June 18” outbreak. Facing unprecedented challenges and pressures, Macao people have demonstrated their fine traits of mutual aid and unity, and joined hands to support and actively cooperate with the Government to tackle difficulties and challenges.

On September 23, the Central People's Government held a meeting concerning Macao affairs, and proposed a series of policies and measures to support Macao’s development; and for giving new momentum to Macao’s economic recovery.

Most recently, the National Health Commission (NHC) further adjusted its disease prevention and control policy. From January 8, 2023, COVID-19 will be categorised and treated as a category-B infectious disease. As the haze of the pandemic dissipates, Macao’s economy will gradually resume its upward trend.

In 2022, we pragmatically pressed ahead with appropriate economic diversification, and fostered development of nascent industries. We completed the revision of Macao's gaming laws and regulations – and the public tender and contract signing for the new gaming concessions – to facilitate the healthy and orderly development of Macao’s gaming industry.

Work has begun on the amendments to the Law on Safeguarding National Security, to fulfil Macao’s constitutional responsibility on national security. We have also implemented the “five-rung housing ladder” policy, as part of the optimisation of work related to social and livelihood issues.

We have started the process of ensuring Macao is a city comfortable to live in, and we have also deepened public administration reform; achieved interim results in the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin; made fresh progress in the development of various undertakings; and maintained overall social stability.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) formulated a major blueprint for realising the Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation through the Chinese Path to Modernisation.

The discussion of Hong Kong and Macao affairs in the report of the Party's 20th National Congress has further pointed out the direction for action, and provided fundamental guidance for the stable and long-lasting successful practice of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle with Macao characteristics, greatly boosting Macao people’s confidence in the city’s development.

We, collectively, will transform the decisions and instructions of the Party's 20th National Congress into real actions, in order to uphold and perfect the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

The year 2023 will mark the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR), representing an important historical turning point. Multiple favourable factors for the development of Macao are emerging.

The MSAR Government will uphold the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, safeguard the nation's sovereignty, security and development interests, and fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, and the series of important instructions by President Xi Jinping. We will act in accordance with the overall policy direction for boosting the economy; promoting economic diversification; alleviating people's hardships; ensuring disease prevention and control; and maintaining stable and healthy development; as well as effectively seizing opportunities presented by the country’s development. We will make good use of the policies and measures introduced by the Central People's Government for supporting Macao’s development; better coordinate disease prevention and control and socio-economic development; focus on promoting economic recovery; actively improve people's livelihoods; expedite appropriate economic diversification and the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin; better integrate the MSAR into the overall national development plan; and solve the deep-rooted conflicts and problems in economic and social development. All these things will be done in order to break new ground in realising the “One Country, Two Systems” principle with Macao characteristics.

The MSAR Government will hold fast to the principles of serving the public, and will proceed with a committed, pragmatic, proactive and effective approach to work, being responsive to public concerns. The MSAR Government will also constantly enhance governance, and work to enhance people’s livelihoods, as well as to improve people’s quality of life and create a brighter future for Macao.

Citizens and friends,

Pandemic prevention and control has entered a new stage, as focus shifts from prevention to medical treatment, health support, and prevention of severe illness, especially in terms of anti-pandemic work to protect the elderly and children. The MSAR Government will, considering epidemic-related developments, continue optimising anti-epidemic measures. We hope that Macao people will gradually adapt to post-pandemic life; do their best to protect themselves; and work together to resume fully, normal economic and social activities.

The most challenging days are passing. We remain fully confident in Macao’s development. We will march ahead in unity and make concerted efforts to open new horizons for that.

May the New Year bless the nation and Macao, with prosperity and success. I wish you all a prosperous and healthy year ahead.

- Ho's message provided by the Macao Government Information Bureau (GCS) tonight. Translation by GCS. Minor edits by The Macau Post Daily. The text uses the official spelling of Macau with an "o" in the local government's English-language translations. In the Portuguese language, the SAR's name is officially spelt "Macau".

Caption: Undated file photo of MSAR Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng. – Photo: GCS


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