3rd edition of ‘Todos Fest!’ to take place in February

2023-01-06 03:06
BY Rui Pastorin

The 3rd edition of the inclusive arts festival “Todos Fest!” will take place from February 6-12, local art organisation Comuna de Pedra (“Stone Commune”) said in a statement this week.

“Todos” is Portuguese for “all”.

The statement noted that the festival will feature performances, documentary screenings and outreach workshops throughout the event period and aims to unite local and Hong Kong artists, local volunteers, seniors and individuals with physical and mental disabilities.

The statement said that the festival will tour Hong Kong, continuing its artist mission themed “on the road – championing all voices”. Festival curator Jenny Mok (莫倩婷) was quoted by the statement as saying: “Comuna de Pedra believes that the right to speech in the arts should not be in the hands of the majority. If arts cannot be inclusive, neither can society.”

The festival features a dance performance titled “Calming Storms and Waves” – Dance across borders, where Hong Kong artist yuenjie MARU and two dancers from Guangzhou’s Mistakable Symbiotic Dance Troupe will perform together with local dancers Ku Man Ian and Caritas Macau Centro Lustroso member Lee Pui I.

The statement said that the four dancers have different body characteristics, with some perceived as disabled with brittle bone disease, vision impairment, among others. They will perform to Chinese poet Su Shi’s “Calming Storms and Waves”.

The festival also includes the screening of a documentary by local filmmaker Chao Kinkuan titled “On The Road”, which follows two members of the Association of Parents of People with Intellectual Disabilities of Macau.

“Todos at School: Symbiotic Dance Workshop”, meanwhile, is led by Su HuiHeng and Gene Zhai, who are dancers with physical disabilities. The statement said that the workshops will enable students to learn about “symbiotic dance skills and forge meaningful connections with all walks of life”.

For ticketing and more details about the festival’s other programmes, visit http://hk.mikecrm.com/s9k1DbL. Moreover, registration for school workshops is open and those interested can email their names, number of participants, date and contact details to comunadepedra@gmail.com .

More details about the festival can be found at www.facebook.com/TodosComuna . 

This poster provided by Comuna de Pedra promotes the inclusive art festival Todos Fest!


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