Iao Hon carnival aims to create ‘good & stable’ environment

2023-01-12 03:04
BY Yuki Lei

The annual “Jointly Creating a New Environment for the Community” carnival will be held in Iao Hon Market Park from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, with the aim of further enhancing public awareness of crime prevention and strengthening cooperation between the government and residents to jointly create a good and stable living environment, as well as to build a safe, healthy and harmonious community through a raft of interesting activities, the organisers said during a press conference at the Macau General Union of Neighbourhoods Associations’ headquarters in Toi San district yesterday.

The carnival is co-organised by the association, commonly known as Kai Fong in Cantonese, in conjunction with the Unitary Police Service (SPU), Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), Public Security Police (PSP), Judiciary Police (PJ), Fire Services Bureau (CB), Health Bureau (SSM), and the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA).

The press conference noted that the carnival will feature a wide range of activities, including game booths, educational videos and themed educational talks, as well as the displays of fire engines, police cars, firefighting equipment, crime-scene investigation vehicles and detection equipment, enabling residents to get close to the “real stuff” and experience crime and fire prevention measures.

Meanwhile, SPU Civil Protection and Coordination Centre Senior Superintendent Cheong Chi Fai told reporters after the press conference that with the participation of six civil defence volunteers at the carnival, jigsaw puzzles will be used to raise public awareness of emergency responses to events such as storm surges. Cheong pointed out that civil defence attaches great importance to preventive work, adding that a large-scale annual “Crystal Fish” drill was being prepared for this year’s exercise to enhance public awareness of crime and disaster prevention measures, for example, storm surges, in advance of the monsoon season. He said that after previous drills, public awareness of storm preparedness had been enhanced.

Cheong pointed out that with the easing of the government’s COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures and the resumption of school classes, his bureau would cooperate with the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) to relaunch information-sharing activities at schools, so as to raise students’ crime prevention awareness, while working with civil associations to promote and strengthen public awareness through various street events. 

SPU Civil Protection and Coordination Centre Senior Superintendent Cheong Chi Fai talks to reporters after yesterday’s press conference about the annual “Jointly Creating a New Environment for the Community” carnival, at the Macau General Union of Neighbourhoods Associations’ headquarters in Toi San (Tamagnini Barbosa) district. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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