Macao Orchestra wins tourists’ applause despite external factors

2023-01-31 03:45
BY Review by William Chan

Despite harsh performing conditions and the obvious lack of orchestral sections, the Macao Orchestra (OM) received enthusiastic applause from the audience at the Ruins of St Paul’s on Saturday.

The Macao Orchestra performed several short western classics as well as a few Chinese folk songs, which resonated with the tourists very well especially under the Chinese New Year atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the festive atmosphere could not cover the orchestra’s apparent deficiencies.

Firstly, the orchestra was weirdly placed with their backs to the main body of the audience who were sitting on the stairs of the Ruins of St Paul’s, and thus two amplifiers were needed to project the sound to us.

As a result, despite the musicians’ effort, the sound was muffled. The speakers failed to recreate the distinct high woodwind characteristics, while the low woodwind mostly disappeared. The volumes of the orchestral parts also failed to balance each other.

Meanwhile, the lowest temperature on Saturday was merely nine degrees Celsius, where the tuning and stability of the instruments were severely affected on the outdoor stage, especially for the brass instruments.

Nonetheless, the most disappointing part of the performance was the complete lack of a percussion section.

Whenever one thinks of Chinese folk songs, cymbals and drums come to mind. One of the most prominent examples are the accompaniments of the Chinese Lion Dance, where musicians synchronise the movement of the lion mainly with cymbals, gongs and drums.

Without the existence of the critical rhythm section, the music appeared to be crying out for its “heartbeat” throughout the performance.

Overall, the concert was welcomed and certainly provided another form of entertainment for the tourists, but as one of two local professional orchestras which seek excellence and aim to provide aspirations for young musicians, is this the right way forward? 

Francis Kan conducts the Macao Orchestra (OM) at the Ruins of St Paul’s on Saturday.
– Photo: William Chan


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