Drunken civil servant’s car turns turtle, refuses breathalyser

2023-02-09 03:03
BY William Chan

A civil servant who works for the Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) whose car crashed into another car on Friday was arrested after refusing to be breathalysed, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Cheuk Kou Chi said at a press conference yesterday. 

Cheuk identified the suspect as a local man surnamed Choi in his fifties.

According to Cheuk, Choi’s car crashed into a car parked at the kerb in Largo da Companhia near the Ruins of St Paul’s on Friday night, causing his car to turn turtle. The driver and the passengers of the crashed car, who were still in the vicinity, then helped Choi get out of his car.

Police who arrived at the scene found Choi to be reeking of alcohol. Choi admitted drinking alcohol earlier that day, but he refused both a breathalyser test and going to a hospital for an alcohol evaluation.

The case has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP). Choi faces a charge of disobeying a police order, according to Cheuk. 


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