Monetary regulator to launch wealth management pilot project to train financial students

2023-03-07 02:33
BY Ginnie Liang

The Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM) said in a statement yesterday that it will launch for the first time a “Financial Talent Training Pilot Project – Wealth Management” programme for undergraduate or master’s students interested in wealth management who are entering their final year of study.

The programme, in line with the government’s policy objective of focusing on the development of wealth management, is co-organised by the Macau Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and the Association of Banks in Macau (ABM).

The programme will combine theoretical and practical training with experienced bankers as workplace mentors to provide practical knowledge and applied skills in wealth management to prepare students for the new challenges in their future careers, the statement said.

The five-week pilot programme will run from July 3 to August 4, with the first week consisting of a face-to-face training session on wealth management, followed by a four-week on-the-job training session in a financial institution’s private banking or wealth management department, and a concluding session of experience sharing and learning exchange, according to the statement.

The statement noted that an internship allowance will be paid to interns based on actual attendance during the internship training. Trainees who have completed the entire pilot programme will be awarded a certificate by the organisers.

The monetary regulator said it will continue to work with the industry to enhance career planning and pre-employment education for university students, providing Macau with the financial talents needed for the industry’s development and assisting in the steady development of the modern financial industry.

Anyone eligible and interested can apply through IFS from now until March 31. For more details on the programme prospectus and application details, please refer to the attached poster. 

This poster downloaded yesterday shows the information of the “Financial Talent Training Pilot Project – Wealth Management” programme. – Poster by AMCM


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