Youth Association Talent Training Framework divided into 3 phases: DSEDJ

2023-03-29 02:38
BY Yuki Lei

The government-appointed Youth Affairs Committee yesterday reviewed during this year’s first plenary meeting the work progress for the government’s Curriculum Framework for Youth Association Talent Training that was launched in 2021, and Education and Youth Development Bureau (DESDJ) Youth Development Division Chief Tam Sio Wa told reporters that the ongoing framework was divided into three phases.

Tam made the remarks at a press conference after the meeting at the bureau.

According to Tam, in the first stage, aiming to improve the specificity and effectiveness of training courses provided by youth associations, the content of the standardised and systematic training curriculum framework has been set up; in the second stage, aiming to further strengthen the education of young local people in national affairs, while deepening their understanding of the national system, policies and development strategies, advanced training courses have been initiated; in the third phase, aiming to help young local people broaden their horizons and improve their comprehensive competitiveness, opportunities for exchange and training abroad have been made available.

With the aim of fostering young local people’s development and supporting the development of talent in youth associations, the bureau, in conjunction with youth associations, has set up a curriculum framework for young leaders, with a view to stimulating the development of youth associations through talent echelon building, Tam noted.

Meanwhile, Io Iok Fong, the functional head of the DSEDJ Youth Department, said during yesterday’s plenary meeting, according to the press conference, that her department received eight applications for its “Youth Activities Award” and 10 for its “Civic Education Award” last month, adding that a specialised committee was also formed during yesterday’s meeting to assess the applications. Io said that the committee will start the assessment in due course. 

Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) Youth Development Division Chief Tam Sio Wa poses during yesterday’s press conference after this year’s first plenary meeting of the government-appointed Youth Affairs Committee at the bureau.
– Photo: Yuki Lei


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