The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) urged members of the public in a statement on Friday to check their AC drain pipes before using their air-conditioners and to take measures to prevent water from dripping from them.
The statement noted that people may neglect checking whether their air-conditioners’ drain pipes are properly connected when using them, leading to water drippage, which can hit canopies and cause a nuisance, accumulate and lead to an infestation of insects such as mosquitoes, as well as affect public hygiene.
The statement added that members of the public should also check for other issues such as whether the drip pans are full prior to using their air conditioners. If issues are found, the statement pointed out that the situation should be improved or have a professional technician conduct repairs as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, the statement said that IAM’s inspection staff will be sent out and if water drippage from aircons is found, a “Notice to Improve Air Conditioner Drain Pipe(s)” will be issued to the household involved, which must complete repair work as soon as possible or face prosecution if the given deadline is not met.
The bureau, according to the statement, is strengthening its efforts to promote the message of “paying attention to water dripping from air-conditioners” through methods such as leaflets, advertisements and through the radio. The statement added that the bureau plans to play promotional videos on TV, buses, taxis and in residential buildings’ lobbies, among others.
This poster provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) on Friday promotes what the members of the public should do about water dripping from their air conditioners.