Internships launched for local graduates at Alibaba: DSAL

2023-04-04 02:45
BY Yuki Lei

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) and Alibaba Group jointly launched yesterday the second phase of the “Training and Internship Programme for Macau Youth at Alibaba in Hangzhou”, which is open to applications from Macau ID card holders, including foreign residents, who graduated from a tertiary education institution after September 2019, and have the work experience and skills required for their internship, according to a press conference held at the bureau’s headquarters.

The applications are being accepted from now through next Friday, the press conference noted, which added that the programme offers 40 vacancies covering business exploration, marketing, business development, cross-border trade cooperation and operation, user studies, customer support, and public utility projects.

The eight-week programme consists of two parts – training and internships – comprising a three-week business training on the development of the nation’s digital economy, Alibaba’s corporate culture and business practices, and a five-week on-the-job internship arranged by Alibaba in its business units, according to the press conference.

Concerning the trainees’ accommodation and basic living expenses during their internship in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, a DSAL statement released during the press conference pointed out that the bureau will provide a living allowance of 5,000 patacas per month, and a one-off subsidy of 4,000 patacas for roundtrip transportation and travel insurance. An internship subsidy of 5,000 yuan will also be granted by Alibaba to those who have completed the programme.

DSAL Vice Director Chan Un Tong said during the press conference that the programme aims to help young local residents understand the latest developments in the economic field and business operations, cultivating talents for the digital transformation of Macau’s enterprises and strengthening young people’s digital marketing abilities, while enhancing local youngsters’ competitiveness when looking for a job.

Elaine Hu Yuling, senior director of Alibaba Global Talent Acquisition, said at the press conference that the performance of the 24 local residents participating in the first phase of the programme that was launched last year had exceeded the company’s expectations, adding: “Macau youths are willing to learn, have good language skills and can quickly integrate into a work team.”

Meanwhile, in response to potential applications from foreign residents who do not have a “Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents”, Chan said that those who are interested in participating in the programme but do not have a mainland travel permit can submit their enquiries by emailing the bureau at, adding that the bureau will try to liaise with the relevant mainland authorities on the matter if the applicant has been selected for the programme.

Further details and applications can be made at, or by calling 8399 9194 during office hours. 

Alibaba Global Talent Acquisition Director Vincent Chen Weili (from left to right) and Senior Director Elaine Hu Yuling, as well as Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Deputy Director Chan Un Tong, Employment Department Functional Chief Wog Sio Kuan pose during yesterday’s press conference at the bureau about the application process for the second phase of an Alibaba training and internship programme.
– Photo: Yuki Lei


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