Male corpse found on Mong Ha hill

2023-04-13 02:49
BY Yuki Lei

The Judiciary Police (PJ) were notified by the Fire Services Bureau (CB) at 3:03 p.m. on Tuesday that a male corpse had been found by a hiker earlier that day in the bushes on Rampa do Forte de Mong Ha, according to a statement by PJ spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei that day.

A PJ investigation confirmed that the 73-year-old local victim, surnamed Lam, frequently took long walks on the slope of Mong Ha hill, the statement said, adding that according to Lam’s family, the victim had mentioned to them several times that he felt ill recently.

A preliminary investigation conducted by PJ officers at the scene confirmed that the place where Lam was found lying on the ground is a hillside path near the entrance to Mong-Ha Fort, where no signs of a fight were found at the scene, according to the statement.

The statement underlined that the Judiciary Police do not rule out the possibility that Lam died after falling to the ground after becoming ill without anyone noticing. However, the exact cause of death still needed to be determined by a forensic examination, the statement said.

Based on the preliminary results of the investigation so far, there’s no indication of foul play, the statement noted. 


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