Police meet with gaming reps about strengthening security after brawl

2023-05-04 02:59
BY Ginnie Liang

The Judiciary Police (PJ), together with the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ), held a meeting yesterday with representatives of the city’s six gaming concessionaires to improve the internal and external security of their casinos, so as to improve the protection of residents and visitors’ property and personal safety, according to a PJ statement yesterday.

Eight male and female mainlanders were arrested on Monday for a free-for-all in a casino in Cotai. Reportedly, five more people allegedly involved in the fight, video clips of which have been widely circulated on social media, were arrested yesterday.

During the meeting, the statement said, PJ Deputy Director Sou Sio Keong underlined that last week’s brawl at the casino showed that there was room for improvement in the casinos’ security deployment and their emergency response mechanism.

DICJ Gaming Inspection Department Chief Paulo Jorge Moreira Castelo Basaloco said that those involved in the fight have been banned from local casinos for a period of time, and he urged the gaming operators to strengthen security by training their staff to prevent fights breaking out and drafting plans to make preparations for contingencies in response to the large increase in the number of people in the casinos during holidays, the statement said.

The statement said that the casino representatives responded positively to the government’s requests and suggestions on how to strengthen their security arrangements, including increasing manpower and enhancing frontline security deployment at casino tables, as well as improving the notification mechanism between the casinos and the police. 

This handout photo provided by the Judiciary Police shows casino representatives holding a meeting with Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) officials and PJ officers yesterday.


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