Fuel distribution depot project on HZMB man-made island to start

2023-05-05 03:09
BY Tony Wong

The government has commissioned a contractor to build a fuel distribution depot on the east waterfront of the man-made island where the Macau border checkpoint of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) is located, the Public Works Bureau (DSOP) announced on its website on Wednesday.

The project will enable the current fuel distribution depot in Ilha Verde (Green Island), which is operating on a temporary basis, to relocate to the HZMB man-made island.

The temporary fuel distribution depot in Ilha Verde started operating over a decade ago.

Before the operational start of the temporary fuel distribution depot in Ilha Verde, various types of fuels had been stored in warehouses scattered around the neighbourhood. The temporary fuel distribution depot was set up in the wake of a big explosion in 2003 that occurred in fuel warehouses scattered around Ilha Verde Hill.

Over the past decade or so, the temporary fuel distribution depot has caused safety concerns in the neighbourhood due to its proximity to residential buildings.

The DSOP website says that the new project will enable the government to relocate the temporary fuel distribution depot in Ilha Verde to the HZMB man-made island.

The new fuel distribution depot will be located on the east waterfront of the HZMB Macau checkpoint man-made island. The site where the new depot will be located covers 3,299 square metres, according to the DSOP website.

The project is slated to be completed in September next year. The project will be carried out by J & T Construction Company Limited for a price tag of 46.98 million patacas.

The company is required to carry out the project’s final construction design first before starting the construction. It is required to complete the project within 420 working days.

In addition, according to the website, the project will also include the construction of links connecting the fuel distribution depot and vehicular roads surrounding it.

The government had not launched a public tender for the fuel distribution depot project. Instead, it had asked eight construction companies to submit their quotations, and six of them came up with their respective bids, which were unsealed by DSOP officials in January this year. Based on the government’s bid assessments, J & T Construction Company Limited has won the limited tender. 

This map taken from the Public Works Bureau’s (DSOP) website yesterday shows the fuel distribution depot indicated by the green area to be built on the east waterfront of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) Macau checkpoint man-made island.


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