UM rector wins ‘National Innovation Excellence Award’

2023-05-31 02:56
BY Rui Pastorin

The University of Macau’s (UM) Rector Yonghua Song (aka Song Yonghua) was awarded the Third National Innovation Excellence Award for his outstanding contribution to science and technology and social services, according to a UM statement yesterday.

The statement noted that Song, the only scientist from Macau awarded this year, received the honour during the Celebration of the National Science and Technology Workers’ Day and National Innovation Excellence Award Ceremony, which was held in Beijing yesterday.

Song has played an active role in driving the development of innovation in Macau, according to the statement, which also pointed out that he has made “remarkable contributions to talent development, science popularisation, decision-making consultation, opening-up and collaboration, technological innovation, and commercialisation of research results”.

Significant reforms have been implemented under his leadership in the “whole-person education of UM’s residential colleges”, the statement added.

Song’s various roles were highlighted in the statement, including spearheading the establishment of the first national science education base in Macau and serving as an advisor to the local government’s Science and Technology Committee, leading to “several major science and technology decision-making projects and contributing to Macau’s smart city development”.

The statement said that Song was also instrumental in the establishment of UM’s “State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City”, and oversaw the launch of Macau’s first industry-academia demonstration base in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and he also undertook Macau’s first key research and development project in the energy sector.

Song has also won a raft of prizes, the statement underlined.

The statement noted that the National Innovation Excellence Award was jointly established in 2017 by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC).

The award is presented every three years to “acknowledge collectives and individuals who have made outstanding contributions” in areas such as fundamental research and cutting-edge exploration, and achievements in research results transfer and innovation and entrepreneurship, among others.

It is a prominent accolade in the science and technology field, being second only to the nation’s “Highest Science and Technology Award”, according to the statement. 

This undated handout photo provided by the University of Macau (UM) yesterday shows its Rector Yonghua Song (2nd from right) inspecting an on-campus project.


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