DSAL finds Galaxy’s construction site ‘unsafe’

2020-03-26 02:15
BY admin

The Galaxy Macau Phase 3 construction site where the collapse of a lift shaft killed three and injured four on Tuesday was deemed “unsafe” by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) yesterday.

The bureau said in a statement yesterday that after further investigation and inspection of the construction site after the accident, DSAL inspectors concluded that its work-at-height conditions are unsafe and therefore hazardous.

The statement noted that DSAL Director Wong Chi Hong issued yesterday an order to stop work at the construction site, including all work at height and involving scaffolding, and also launched a procedure to sanction those responsible for the accident in accordance with the “Regulation of Hygiene and Safety in Public Construction Work”.

According to the statement, the bureau will continue to monitor the implementation of improved safety measures at the construction site and will not approve resumption of work at the site until its contractors have fully rectified its safety conditions as well as provided a detailed report of the accident.

The statement said that DSAL representatives and those in charge of the construction site held a meeting yesterday, where the bureau once more urged them to take immediate action to strengthen safety management in order to protect their workers and assist the injured workers’ families in ensuring their medical treatment, claims and other matters as well as submit a report on the accident as soon as possible.

The statement added that the bureau has issued guidelines to 11 construction industry organisations and more than 1,500 members of Macau’s various occupational safety and health groups to reinforce construction site safety measures with the aim of preventing accidents.

The statement said that the bureau would also provide safety training to the related parties, especially concerning work at height, and assist in the organisation of construction site safety meetings and discussions to improve work safety awareness and effectiveness among all those involved. 

DSAL inspectors yesterday check the Galaxy Macau Phase 3 construction site where Tuesday’s fatal accident happened. Photo: DSAL 


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