Macau ‘repudiates’ US State Dept’s ‘capricious’ report on human trafficking

2023-06-19 03:00
BY admin

The Office of Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak has “strongly repudiated” the US State Department’s latest annual report on the trafficking in persons in Macau, describing the 2023 report as “fanciful” and “capricious”. 

Wong’s office issued a strongly-worded statement on Friday in response to the “so-called” report, which was issued in Washington, DC, earlier last week. 

According to the statement, the report is “replete with disdain for and bias about Macau’s legislation and independent judicial system” and contains “unfounded allegations” and “tendentious interpretations in order to provoke and spread confusion in the international community” about Macau’s efforts in tackling human trafficking. 

The US report accuses Macau of “not making significant efforts” in combating trafficking in persons. 


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