Eco-bureau to host ‘Public Viewing Day’ & ‘Fish Workshop’ in ecological zone next month

2023-06-27 02:53
BY Lily Xiao Linzhi

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) said in a statement yesterday that it will organise two events in the Cotai Ecological Zone next month so that visitors can appreciate the flora and fauna in the area.

The two events comprise a “Public Viewing Day” and a “Fish Workshop”

Macau residents can register for the two events from today, the statement said.

According to the bureau’s website, the Cotai Ecological Zone is composed of two wetland zones, eco-zones 1 and 2. Rich in biodiversity, in eco-zone 1 public access is restricted with the aim of ensuring the protection of the species living there. The bureau regularly organises events in eco-zone 1 for members of the public so that they can view the migratory birds that frequent the area, including the highly endangered Black-faced Spoonbill.

Eco-zone 2 refers to an area on the waterfront in west Cotai, located opposite eco-zone 1.

According to the bureau’s website, eco-zone 2, also with restricted access, is composed of three “islands” and mudflats. It is known for its mangroves and diverse fish population.

The bureau’s website points out that the bureau’s regular organisation of events for members of the general public to visit the Cotai Ecological Zone enables them to appreciate the flora and fauna resources under the guidance of tour guides, with the aim of raising their awareness of ecological conservation.

According to yesterday’s statement, the Public Viewing Day will have four sessions, namely 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on July 8, and 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on July 22. Each session will be limited to 25 places, because of which a total of 100 places will be available.

According to the statement, each guided tour will run for two hours.

The statement said that the Fish Workshop will be held on July 22, when there will be two sessions, starting at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. respectively.

Each session will have 25 places so that a total of 50 places will be available.

Each visitor can only register for one session of each event.

According to the statement, participants can try to measure the length of fish and draw them under the guidance of a tour guide so that they can learn more about the different kinds of fish living in the ecological zone.

Macau residents can call the bureau’s hotline on 2876 2626 or visit the website at for enquiries and registrations. 


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