IC’s online book shop launches summer promotion

2023-06-29 03:09
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau’s (IC) Online Book Shop will launch a special summer promotion from July 1-31, according to an IC statement yesterday.

The statement noted that the discounts aim to encourage students to make the most of their free time during the summer holiday, learn more and “enrich their lives through reading”. Readers can get a 20 percent discount on all books on the website. They can also get a 50 percent and 10 percent discount on back issues and recent issues of the Review of Culture magazine respectively, according to the statement.

The statement said that readers can get a Reminiscence of Old Taipa bookmark set for any book purchased at the online shop (for each transaction) during the period.

Over 380 types of books and periodicals are offered on the Online Book Shop such as publications in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Portuguese and English, with a range of categories including history, literature and visual arts, among others.

Readers can place orders on the website, make electronic payments, and request delivery through the Express Mail Service (EMS) or pick up their books from 13 libraries under the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the statement said. Overseas readers can request the delivery of publications via the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau’s (CTT) EMS to their address.

More information can be found at www.icm.gov.mo/bookshop or by emailing bookshop@icm.gov.mo. 

This image downloaded from the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s (IC) Online Book Shop last night promotes its special summer promotion.


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