HZMB cross-border cargo transfer station to open next week

2023-08-03 02:46
BY Tony Wong

The Macau government yesterday held a meeting to brief representatives of the local logistics sector about the newly completed cross-border cargo transfer station at the Macau checkpoint area of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB), which will come into use next Tuesday.

The new facility at the HZMB Macau checkpoint area will enable land cargo transport from Hong Kong to Macau via the HZMB.

Currently, Hong Kong-Macau cargo transport can only come by sea.

The construction of the cross-border cargo transfer station at the HZMB Macau checkpoint area, which got off the ground at the end of last year, was completed in May this year.

At the new facility, goods will be transferred from Hong Kong-registered trucks to Macau-registered trucks without the former having to enter the Macau Special Administrative Region territory. After the goods transfer process is completed, the Hong Kong trucks can then return to Hong Kong via the HZMB.


The Macau government announced on Monday the fees for different services to be provided at the cross-border cargo transfer station. The announcement was made in a chief executive order published in the Official Gazette (BO) on Monday. The fees will take effect on Tuesday next week.

According to the executive order, the transfer of shipping containers from Hong Kong-registered tractor-trailers to Macau-registered ones will be charged at 200 patacas per 30 minutes.

The transfer of cargo from Hong Kong-registered trucks to Macau-registered trucks will be charged at 550 patacas per 40 minutes, according to the executive order.

The transfer of cargo from a shipping container with a length of 40 feet or above carried by a Hong Kong-registered tractor-trailer to Macau-registered trucks will be charged at 1,100 patacas per 40 minutes.

The transfer of cargo from a shipping container with a length of fewer than 40 feet carried by a Hong Kong-registered tractor-trailer to Macau-registered trucks will be charged at 700 patacas per 40 minutes, according to the executive order.

The fees for the four types of services at the cross-border cargo transfer station listed above will be charged provided that an appointment for using the services has been made. If no appointment has been made, according to the executive order, the fees will be four times, i.e., 300 percent higher than the fees when a booking has been made.

Yesterday’s briefing session was held on the premises of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) in Nam Van, which was also open to the media.

According to a DSEDT statement yesterday, around 120 representatives from the local logistics industry attended yesterday’s meeting.

DSEDT officials, and those from the Macau Customs Service and the Transport Bureau (DSAT), as well as representatives from the company that has been hired by the government to operate the cross-border cargo transfer station, hosted yesterday’s briefing session.

During yesterday’s meeting, DSEDT officials noted that currently around 80 percent of goods imported by Macau are delivered via Hong Kong. They said that the upcoming operation of the cross-border cargo transfer station will enable the logistics companies to deliver goods from Hong Kong to Macau by land in addition to the current practice of using cargo ships.

Macau Customs Service officials noted yesterday that customs clearance services will not be provided at the cross-border cargo transfer station, adding that cargo that has been transferred to Macau-registered vehicles at the station will then have to undergo customs clearance at the HZMB Macau Customs post. 

This photo taken and released by the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) yesterday shows the new cross-border cargo transfer station at the Macau checkpoint area of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB).


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