Local artists to perform at Macao Alternative Music Festival 2023

2023-08-09 03:04
BY admin

Interview by William Chan

        Local composer Lam Lai Keng and local percussionist Yukie Lai U Kei have told The Macau Post Daily that they will perform “Between the Space” at the Macao Alternative Music Festival 2023 on Sunday at the 20Hz Art Lab in Fai Chi Kei district.

The exclusive interview was held last week at the venue of the Macao Percussion Association (MPA) in the Avenida de Horta e Costa neighbourhood.

The festival, co-organised by the Macao Contemporary Music Association (MCMA) and Guia Experimental, kicked off last Sunday and is slated to last until late September. The festival offers a rich programme aiming to provide Macau with unique music experiences. The performances will encompass avant-garde, minimalist, interdisciplinary, post-romantic, and improvisational styles, with a special focus on experimental theatre.

Lam is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Composition at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague. She shared insights into her project, “Between the Space,” which incorporates the space designed by Andar Studio. The performance features musician Monic Chen playing a piano piece composed by Lam, while Lai and two other percussionists perform Lam’s composition titled “9election.” Notably, “9election” was previously performed at the Festival Dag in de Branding 2021 in the Netherlands and the Mittelfest Festival 2021 in Italy. The composition also earned Lam a prize at the TROMP Percussion Eindhoven composition competition in 2022.

During the interview, Lam emphasised the importance of surprise in experimental music, allowing audiences to experience the performance in person without preconceived expectations. She also highlighted the elements of freedom and interaction within the project. Audience members are encouraged to freely explore the space and interact with various installations, some of which can be played as musical instruments. Lam welcomes the audience’s active participation, considering it a form of interaction with both herself and the musicians. She further noted that different environments and a diverse audience, encompassing varied cultural backgrounds, genders, and ages, can significantly influence the experience of the programme due to the interactions and diverse receptions.

In addition to breaking traditional boundaries in music performance, the collaboration between musicians and composers is also innovative. The score created for Lai goes beyond traditional staff notation, instead using symbolic representations of body parts to guide the performance. Lai, vice director of the Macao Percussion Association, mentioned a previous experience of playing Lam’s compositions using a car’s spring as a musical instrument, showcasing their exploration of unconventional items in their music. Both Lai and Lam appreciated the flexibility of their collaboration, engaging in discussions on how to perform music using unconventional elements, and thoroughly enjoying the creative process of bringing their ideas to life.

Contemporary music

Lam studies in the Dutch city of The Hague, where she is exposed to is vibrant atmosphere and began exploring contemporary music. She expressed her surprise at the diverse musical tastes in the Netherlands, recalling instances where even elderly audience members approached her after shows to discuss the performance. In contrast, Lam considers Macau to have a less open-minded approach towards music, attributing it to cultural and environmental factors. She observed during the interview that most locals primarily listen to classical and pop music, whereas in Europe, people are exposed to various genres from a young age, making it easier for them to appreciate different forms of music.

Meanwhile, Lai mentioned that contemporary music does have its supporters in Macau, although they may not always fit the expected profile. Lai noted that many of her musician friends do not attend experimental performances, as they have their own often rigid preferences and tend to listen only to their favourite genres. However, individuals without a music background, often from other artistic disciplines, show curiosity and provide positive feedback after attending such concerts. She found those seeking surprise elements and new experiences to be more inclined to embrace experimental music.

What is contemporary music? Lam finds it challenging to define. While the music performance is crucial, she emphasised the importance of interactions, installations, and the spatial aspects of her projects. She noted that it may be more appropriate to label her work as a multimedia project, offering multifaceted experiences that go beyond the realm of music alone.

The performance will be held on Sunday at 8 p.m. at 20Hz Art Lab. 4, Travessa de Fai Chi Kei. Tickets are priced at 150 patacas. For more information, visit: facebook.com/100076235677156

This file photo shows percussionist Sandra Chang.

This file photo shows Monic HK Chen, the founder and director of the Macau Contemporary Music Association, posing. She will be performing a piano piece by Lam on Sunday.

This file photo shows Donald Wong playing the drums.

This file photo shows percussionist Yukie Lai U Kei, who will be playing with Donald Wong and Sandra Chang on Sunday, posing.

Lam Lai Keng posing –All photos provided by the Macao Contemporary Music Association


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