PJ warn public about scammers impersonating Apple Inc.

2023-08-11 03:11
BY Rui Pastorin

The Judiciary Police (PJ) warned members of the public in a statement yesterday about phishing SMS messages containing unidentified links from scammers impersonating Apple Inc.

The fake messages claim that the recipient’s Apple account has been logged onto at a different location, asking recipients to click on the embedded links to proceed with two-way verification, according to the statement.

The statement noted that recipients are then led to a fake website resembling the company’s official website. Potential victims risk having their Apple account stolen and experience financial losses if they input their personal information on the fake website.

Members of the public are advised in the statement to do the following: change your personal information on the official website immediately if account details and passwords were submitted to the fake website; pay attention to SMS messages and verify their authenticity through official channels; and call PJ’s Anti-scam hotline on 8800 7777 or the crime report hotline on 993 if you suspect fraud. 

This poster provided by the Judiciary Police (PJ) yesterday warns members of the public of the phishing SMS messages from scammers impersonating Apple Inc.


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