IAM records over 400,000 users in its 10 community activity centres so far this year

2023-09-08 03:13
BY Ginnie Liang

The Macau Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has recorded over 400,000 users in its 10 community activity centres so far this year, and it expects that the number will gradually return to over 700,000 a year, IAM officials announced during yesterday’s regular meeting of the Northern District Community Service Consultative Council.

The officials also introduced the bureau’s plans for the activity centres in the future during the closed-door meeting, and also briefed the council members about the respective operational situations.

During a press briefing after the meeting, Northern District Community Service Consultative Council member Chang Kam Pui quoted the officials as saying that the total number of users of the 10 activity centres exceeded one million per year before 2019, but the number of users drastically decreased during the previous three years of the COVID-19 pandemic due to their temporary shutdown caused by the pandemic.

Introducing the bureau’s plan for diversified planning and deployment of various centres in the future, Chang quoted the officials as saying that the bureau will set up a parent-child activity area at the Fai Chi Kei Activity Centre in the near future, and will also consider adding such an area to other centres with the same conditions in due course after evaluating the expected effectiveness of the activity area.

During yesterday’s meeting, some council members suggested that more thematic activities should be included in the centres. Chang quoted the members as saying that it would give consideration to this suggestion and pointed out that some of the existing programmes in the centres are popular and are used frequently, adding that the bureau has to ensure that both old and new facilities can be taken into account before adding new projects to the centres. 

Northern District Community Service Consultative Council members attend yesterday’s regular meeting at the Government Service Centre in Areia Preta. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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