Sports Bureau hosts Physical Fitness Challenge & Experience Day

2023-09-18 03:30
BY Gabriel Tam

The Physical Fitness Challenge and Experience Day 2023, organised by the Sports Bureau (ID) and co-organised by the MR.J Sports Association of Macao, was held yesterday morning at Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion.

The event incorporated four components comprising a physical fitness challenge, fitness experience zone, sports medicine consultation and a sports equipment trade fair.

The Physical Fitness Challenge and Experience Day was initially launched in 2019 and has since then been an annual inclusive fitness event in Macau, except in 2021 where the event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘The goal is to motivate residents to beat their own records’

The physical fitness challenge welcomed participants aged between 13 and 55 regardless of their sporting experience and consisted of two competitions: an individual fitness challenge in which participants were divided into junior (born between 2008-2010) and open (born 1968-2007) age groups, and a mixed fitness challenge which could be participated in individually or as a three-member team, with the latter requiring at least one female player.

According to a statement by the bureau, the challenge consisted of a variety of bodyweight strength exercise items such as planks, Burpee jumps (a push-up followed by a leap in the air) and a relay race. The statement added that for the first time this year’s challenge had set up a “Fitness King Award”, for which athletes participating in all items of both the individual fitness challenge and the mixed fitness challenge were ranked according to their total scores. The statement also said the goal of the challenge was to motivate residents to beat their own fitness records, with the means to develop speed, endurance, flexibility, agility, and strength.

A participant in  his thirties in the individual fitness challenge told The Macau Post Daily that he thoroughly enjoyed the event as it provided “a great opportunity to meet and compete with other sport-lovers”. He added: “I have been practising calisthenics and cardio exercises regularly, so I am quite prepared for the challenge. And I have been curious to see what level I am at currently and how much I can improve.” When asked about tips to improve physical activity, he suggested beginners move in any way that feels good to them. “I think the key is to be consistent and create habits, so it is very important not to treat exercising as a tedious task but instead make fun out of it.”

There was also a fitness experience zone where residents could try gym equipment such as battle ropes and exercise bicycles under the guidance of professional sport trainers. The bureau also provided multiple free workout trial lessons of kickboxing, yoga and aikido and other sports, the majority of the participants consisted of families with young children, the elderly and secondary school students. According to the statement, the trial sessions and lessons were designed to encourage residents of all age-groups and abilities to get motivated and moving.

An elderly participant in the exercise bicycle trial session told reporters that it was “more tiring than expected” but at the same time a good way for starters to get involved in exercise training. “I do not really have much time for exercise in my daily life and I had no idea where to start. So, this is a very good time for me to try something new, especially with all the professionals here to instruct me,” she added. 

Participants hold a plank for the individual physical fitness challenge at the Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion yesterday. – Photo: Gabriel Tam

Teams compete in the mixed fitness challenge at the Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion yesterday. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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