Macau’s drug abuse problem ‘not serious’

2023-10-31 03:04
BY Ginnie Liang

This year’s number of registered drug users in Macau stands at 61, an increase of over 10 percent year-on-year, Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) Drug Abuse Prevention Division Chief Tong Chan U said yesterday, pointing out that overall, the drug abuse problem in Macau is “not serious”.

Tong made the remarks after a seminar at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) held by the Association of Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers of Macau (ARTM) to share drug and alcohol prevention experiences, with the attendance of scholars from Macau and Singapore.

Tong underlined that with the recovery of civil society after the COVID-19 pandemic, it was “normal” for the number of the registered drug users to record a slight increase, “given the large movement of people” again.

Tong also said that according to the data from the Macau Drug Users Central Registry System last year, the top three types of drugs in Macau were ice, cannabis and midazolam, adding that the bureau has taken a series of preventive measures, including providing drug abuse prevention courses for students from K3 to Form 5.

Tong said the bureau also promotes drug abuse prevention among tertiary students, adding that the bureau has also launched an outreach programme through an online platform in collaboration with local associations to reach out to more than 20 residents considered to be at high risk.

Members of the public can visit the IAS Drug Abuse Prevention Division on Rua Nova da Areia Preta or call the division’s hotline on 2878 1718 during office hours for enquiries. 

Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) Drug Abuse Prevention Division Chief Tong Chan U speaks to reporters after yesterday’s seminar held by the Association of Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers of Macau (ARTM), on the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) campus.
– Photo courtesy of TDM


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