Ao Ieong expresses condolences over death of baby girl at creche

2023-10-31 03:12
BY Yuki Lei

A local baby girl died on October 19 after she was found unresponsive at a nursery in Taipa earlier that day, and Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U told reporters yesterday that she was “shocked and saddened” by the infant’s “tragic” death at the nursery, expressing her condolences to the baby’s parents, reaffirming that the government is always ready to provide assistance to the parents in all aspects.

According to a statement released by the Judiciary Police (PJ) on October 19, the infant, whose face had turned purple, was pronounced dead on the afternoon of the same day at the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre after emergency treatment to save her life had failed.

Public broadcaster TDM identified the name of the private creche in its report yesterday as Fong Chong (Taipa) Nursery.

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) said in a statement on October 20 that it had been notified by a nursery in Taipa about the death of an infant, who had been found with “abnormalities” after taking a nap the day before.

The PJ and IAS statements did not disclose the age of the baby.

Attending yesterday morning’s traditional Chinese blessing ceremony for the upcoming 70th Macau Grand Prix (MGP), Ao Ieong underlined that the Social Welfare Bureau has been cooperating with the police in their investigation, adding that the bureau itself has also carried out follow-up measures, including checking whether the nursery has carried out its work in accordance with IAS guidelines.

As the outcome of the police investigation was still pending, Ao Ieong said it was “not convenient” for her to comment “too much” at this stage, underlining that in response to the incident, the government will continue to strengthen its communication with nurseries and step up supervision, guaranteeing that all of them obey the relevant IAS guidelines.

Ao Ieong also said that in line with the guidelines for nurseries, the bureau inspects them on a regular basis, but she was quick to add that “improvements in the relevant training [among the staff of the nurseries and the bureau] is needed”.

When asked whether the training of nursery staff was inadequate, Ao Ieong said, however, that any comment by the government whether the staff have been sufficiently trained in line with the IAS guidelines in different criteria or not would only be made only after the police investigation, pointing out that it was not appropriate for her to draw any conclusions right now, which she said, might affect the ongoing police investigations into the incident. 

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U talks to reporters after yesterday’s traditional Chinese blessing ceremony for the upcoming 70th Macau Grand Prix (MGP), at the Macau Grand Prix Building on Avenida da Amizade. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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