Drunken part-time cabbie hits barriers, police motorbike

2023-11-09 03:12
BY William Chan

A man has been arrested for drunk driving, hitting road barriers and a police motorcycle, jumping a red light and reversing against the flow of traffic, Public Security Police (PSP) spokeswoman Lai In Hong said in a regular press conference yesterday.

The suspect is a 60-year-old local man surnamed Chan who works as a clerk and also holds a part-time job as a taxi driver.

According to Lai, the police received a report from a resident on Monday that a private car had hit roadside barriers in Areia Preta district. When officers arrived at the scene, they saw a car reversing along Rua Nova da Areia Preta and then crashing into one of their motorbikes. One of the officers immediately stopped the car and found that the male driver was reeking of alcohol, while the vehicle appeared to have been damaged.

A breathalyser test detected his alcohol concentration as 1.97 grams of alcohol per litre of blood.

After scrutinising CCTV footage, police officers discovered that in addition to reversing twice, Chan had also jumped a red light and hit roadside barriers.

Drunken driver hits motorcyclist

During the press conference, Lai announced another drunk-driving case in which the driver crashed into roadside barriers and a motorcycle.

The suspect of the case is surnamed Ng, a salesman in his twenties.

According to Lai, the accident occurred in Patane (Sa Lei Tau) district on Sunday at 5 a.m. The rider sustained bruises and injury in his right leg and was taken to a hospital for treatment. A breathalyser test detected Ng’s alcohol concentration as 1.75 grams of alcohol per litre of blood.

Ng admitted to drinking alcohol on Saturday night in a bar.

Ng and Chan have been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP). Chan faces charges of evading responsibility, drunk driving and dangerous driving, while Ng faces charges of drunk driving and causing bodily harm, according to Lai. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) yesterday shows the part-time cabbie being escorted by PSP officers to a police station.


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