Sports Bureau gets new vice-chief

2023-11-10 03:13
BY Tony Wong

The government has appointed Luís Gomes, who had headed the Non-Tertiary Education Department of the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), as a vice-president of the Sports Bureau (ID), succeeding Allen Lau Cho Un.

Gomes’s one-year appointment, which started yesterday, was made through an executive order by Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U, who oversees both bureaus, published in the Official Gazette (BO) on Wednesday. Ao Ieong signed the executive order on Friday last week.

The Sports Bureau has two vice-presidents in its organisational structure.

Lau had been a vice-president of the Sports Bureau since November 2014. The government’s latest one-year extension of Lau’s appointment, which started on November 9 last year, was not renewed when it expired on Wednesday.

The two vice-presidents of the Sports Bureau, who is headed by Pun Weng Kun, are now Christine Lam Lin Kio and Luís Gomes. Lam has been a vice-president since March 2016.

According to Ao Ieong’s executive order published on Wednesday, Gomes holds a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Sports from the then Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM), which was upgraded to Macao Polytechnic University (MPU) last year. He holds a master’s degree in Education (Physical Education and Sports) from the University of Macau (UM).

According to the executive order, Gomes started working in the then Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), the predecessor of the current DSEDJ, in 2011, where he became a division chief in April 2019, before being promoted to the chief of the DSEDJ Non-Tertiary Education Department in May last year.

Gomes is a former taekwondo Macau team member.

Swearing-in ceremony

Meanwhile, according to an ID statement last night, Gomes was formally sworn in by Pun during a ceremony yesterday, which was witnessed by Ao Ieong.

Delivering a speech during yesterday’s ceremony, according to the statement, Gomes pledged that he will work hard together with his colleagues in compliance with the bureau’s equal emphasis on promoting Macau’s mass sports and competitive sports.

Gomes said that his bureau would continue to carry out its duties in compliance with the government’s ongoing campaign to appropriately diversify the city’s economy, such as through the organisation of sports brand events and the promotion of the city’s sport industry. 

Newly-appointed Sports Bureau (ID) Vice President Luís Gomes (right) is sworn in by ID President Pun Weng Kun (third from left) yesterday, witnessed by Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U (second from left) and her chief-of-cabinet, Ho Ioc San. – Photo: ID


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