Cold front to attack Macau, mercury to drop to 11°C on Sunday: SMG

2023-12-15 03:23
BY Yuki Lei

The local observatory reminded the public on its website yesterday that the mercury was expected to dip to around 11 degrees Celsius on Sunday, urging them to keep a close eye on the temperature drop and to stay warm.

A cold front is forecast to reach the coast of Guangdong province in the wee hours of tomorrow when a strong winter monsoon is also expected to affect Macau and, therefore, according to the weather station, Macau’s mercury would drop “significantly”, with winds from the north getting stronger. It also predicted occasional showers tomorrow.

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) website showed last night that the mercury is forecast to range between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius today, but to dip significantly to 13 degrees Celsius as the lowest tomorrow, while a temperature ranging between just 11 and 14 degrees Celsius is expected for Sunday.

Customarily, the government’s cold-weather shelter in Ilha Verde district opens when the temperature falls to 14 degrees or lower.

Macau recorded 1.6 degrees on January 24, 2016, the lowest on record since 1949, the local observatory announced at that time. 

This poster by the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) urges the public to stay warm during the cold spell expected to hit Macau from tomorrow.


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