Perseverance: the key to success

2023-12-18 03:19
BY Jaden Jude Justinian Ravindran, USJ Student

 “Rome was not built in a day”. Many have heard this famous saying regarding perseverance but cannot live the example of this phrase in their daily lives. Why is that? Why is it so difficult for us to strive to obtain perseverance? Most individuals are distracted by their leisure lifestyles and cannot comprehend the idea of perseverance. This in turn has led to a negative impact on society. By focusing more on their respective lifestyles of pleasure, effects such as laziness and procrastination have increased among many throughout societies, most notably those in urban cities due to a lack of perseverance. Therefore, why is perseverance essential and how do we obtain it to prevent these negative impacts on society? 

To persevere is to try to attain your goal continuously. Goals are certainly something we all strive towards at one point or another. The fact remains that during our lives, we often face large and small challenges; the best way that we can overcome challenges is with perseverance, but let us look deeper into what it entails. Perseverance is not a personality trait but a deliberate choice you make to persist in your attempts to carry on and overcome the obstacles that come your way. After understanding the meaning of perseverance and its importance, what can we do to obtain it? 

Firstly, to obtain perseverance, we must set our goals. Goal setting is important and plays an essential role where perseverance is concerned. You need to have a firm goal before you put all the effort and time into overcoming the challenges that life may have in store for you. In addition, setting a goal can help motivate you to try even harder and act as an impetus, driving you towards the ultimate end goal. 

Moreover, it is necessary to get rid of negativity in our respective lives if we are to persevere in our efforts. You are only as good as you think you are and the first thing that you need to do to persevere is to mute the negativity. We all face negativity when starting a new venture – it could be a family member advising you to drop the cause or your friend telling you that you are making a mistake. If you believe in yourself, in your skills then you owe it to yourself by pushing on ahead. As for the voice of negativity, you need to mute it but be intelligent; weigh up the cost of failure and success and always concentrate on what lies ahead. 

In conclusion, though we may be occupied by our various lifestyles in this era of globalisation, we should not put aside the virtue of perseverance but instead do our best to obtain it so that we may be able to embody the saying truly, “Rome was not built in a day”.


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