Ho welcomes central govt's release of Hengqin & Qianhai plans

2023-12-23 01:21
BY admin

Macau Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has welcomed the central government’s release of the “Overall Development Plan for the Guangdong-Macau Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin” known as the “Hengqin Plan”, and the “Overall Development Plan for Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone” (“Qianhai Plan”), the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) said in a statement yesterday.

According to the statement, Ho expressed gratitude for the strong support and care shown by the central government regarding the development of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR).

The statement quoted Ho as saying that the MSAR government will seize the significant opportunities brought by the development of Hengqin and Qianhai, combining them with the opportunities arising from the Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification of the MSAR (2024-2028), Macau’s “1+4” industrial development strategy, and Macau’s unique advantages in the development area. Together, these efforts will continuously promote the synergistic development of the MSAR and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) as a whole, Ho said.

On December 10, the State Council approved the Overall Development Plan for the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin (2022-2035). On December 21, the full text of the Hengqin Plan was officially published, the statement noted.

The statement quoted Ho as saying that the Hengqin Plan is centred around the primary intention of promoting appropriate diversification of Macau's economy through the development of the In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. It focuses on advancing Macau's appropriate economic diversification, with the integrated development of Macau and Hengqin as its core objectives, Ho said.

The plan provides a comprehensive and systematic blueprint for integrated development in areas such as land-use planning, residential property projects, industrial activity, people’s livelihoods, and urban construction, serving as a guiding document outlining the development direction and principles for the next 10 to 15 years in the In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Ho underlined.

The development of the In-depth Cooperation Zone is an important strategy by the central government to advance Macau’s appropriate economic diversification and sustainable development, the statement quoted Ho as saying. Ho pointed out that it represents a significant initiative to enrich the practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, and serves as an important path for Macau to integrate itself further into the nation's overall development.

Ho noted that the Hengqin Plan takes reference from the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, setting out clearer and more specific goals for its three phases: 2024, 2029, and 2035. The Hengqin Plan proposes a series of policy measures covering various elements, such as developing new industries, building a new city, and opening up a new system, the statement underlined. The Hengqin Plan will further enrich the basis of Macau’s role in the In-depth Cooperation Zone, providing new space and opportunities for development, livelihood enhancement, and employment, for Macau's enterprises and its residents, the statement said, adding that the Macau government sincerely appreciates the support of the central government in relation to these efforts, Ho said.

The statement also quoted Ho as saying that the Hengqin Plan proposes the overall development pattern of a “cross-axis belt and three major zones”, creating an ecologically-sound urban development pattern of “one ring”, “dual cores”, and “multiple corridors”. It aims to strengthen land use, urban design, and underground space management, with the goal of promoting integration between Macau and Hong Kong, the statement noted.

Ho stressed that the establishment of this new pattern is of significant importance in continuously optimising the allocation of resources in the Macau-Hengqin area and promoting coordinated development between the two places, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the Macau-Hengqin area.

The Hengqin Plan is focused, Ho underlined, on the development of new industries, new residential estates, new systems, and new mechanisms proposed in the earlier Master Plan. It puts forward a series of encouraging and supportive measures to promote the alignment of rules and mechanisms between Macau and Hengqin, greatly advancing the process of diversification in Macau’s industries, and improvements in the quality of life for Macau residents, the statement said. The Hengqin Plan also provides specific arrangements and steps for building a smart and low-carbon city, an environment regarded as first class by all international standards, and for regional coordinated development, the statement said, adding that it further indicates the direction and path for the high-quality development of the In-depth Cooperation Zone, and provides guidance for Macau in comprehensively advancing construction of the Cooperation Zone.

The issuance of the Hengqin Plan reflects the central government’s and President Xi Jinping’s close interest in and deep affection for Macau, Ho said, adding that the plan will provide a powerful momentum for the diversified and long-term development of Macau' s industries, being of great significance in promoting Macau's long-term prosperity, stability, and integration into overall national development.

Ho also was quoted as saying that the MSAR government will follow the goals and directions set initially by the Master Plan, and now by the Hengqin Plan, fully integrate it with Macau’s Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification and the “1+4” industrial development strategy, and thereby pragmatically advance the development of the In-depth Cooperation Zone, and accelerate the integration of Macao and Hengqin's development. Particularly, Ho stressed, there is firm confidence among all involved of being able to achieve the goals of the first phase of the In-depth Cooperation Zone; of being able to strive to complete the first-phase tasks outlined in the Hengqin Plan; and of being able to inject new impetus, open up new space, and create new opportunities for Macau’s sustainable socioeconomic development.

In his 2024 Policy Address, the statement noted, Ho pointed out that 2024 will be a crucial year for the development of the In-depth Cooperation Zone. It is essential to accelerate the progress of various construction projects in the In-depth Cooperation Zone, with the aim of: achieving new breakthroughs in supporting Macau’s appropriate economic diversification; building an integrated development pattern between Macau and Hengqin; and achieving deep integration between the two places, in supporting people's livelihoods. These steps will ensure satisfactory results by the time of the third anniversary of the establishment of the Cooperation Zone, the statement said.

In addition, the statement quoted Ho as saying that the Qianhai Plan plays a crucial role in facilitating Qianhai’s exemplary and leading role in the development of the GBA. The MSAR government will continue to make use of the opportunities presented by both plans, to capitalise on Macau’s own advantages and continuously promote the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle with Macau characteristics, in the process of GBA development.


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