Student plumps for monochrome & nature drawings

2024-03-04 03:04
BY Lesley Wells

 Form 5 student Elvis’s drawings are generally from his imagination in monochrome or colourful scenes from nature. In a recent interview with the Young Post at a private flat on Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga, he said that “It was hard to find my own style at first.”

Elvis said that he when he was asked if he would like to have drawing lessons when he was about three years old he decided to give it a try. “It took me a little while to decide if I really liked it, and I remember a dinosaur that I drew when I was about four as being the first one that was really good”, he said.

Elvis went on to say that in the first few years it was hard to find his own style as his art teacher always gave the class a title to work from. However, “About three or four years ago I decided on my own style,” he said.

“I have two styles, one is of nature and the other is mainly monochrome and it is all imaginary,” he added.

“I get my inspiration from video games that I play, the internet, my mood or dreams – like falling or life,” Elvis said.

One of the drawings that Elvis has done is of a skeleton which is someone in a place where there is nothing – mixed with death – the life being the butterfly and plants. “I think it is really cool,” said Elvis.

 One is a character in a video game which the author of the game created, “gamers know the character is there but not who he is. To find him you need to change the code in the game,” Elvis said.

One poignant drawing that Elvis has done is of hands reaching for the Moon. “I drew this because a classmate was being bullied, reaching for the Moon is a meaning of hope that he will be free,” Elvis said.

A very colourful drawing in contrast is one of a turtle in the sea. “I drew this because I want to swim with the turtles,” Elvis said.


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