DSAL to provide career matching for 1,500 IR jobs this month

2024-03-06 02:35
BY Ginnie Liang

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) said in a statement yesterday that it will be providing at least six career matching activities for jobseekers, with a total of 1,500 jobs on offer by the city’s six integrated resort (IR) operators.

The statement pointed out that due to the gradual recovery of the local tourism industry, more IR facilities have been put into use. Consequently, the bureau will continue to host career matching activities to “relieve the IR operators’ human resources pressure”, and help job seekers find employment.

The statement pointed out that the career matching activities will take place from today to March 22.

According to the statement, the six IR operators will provide a total of 1,500 job vacancies, such as for cleaners, catering, receptionists and other frontline and back-office positions in hotel and F&B outlets, which make up 80 percent of all the job vacancies, while some managerial and technical positions will also be on offer.

Jobseekers can visit the bureau’s recruitment website at https://www.dsal.gov.mo/zh_tw/standard/jobfair_leisure.html and sign up for employment opportunities, or call the bureau’s hotline 2872 2108 during office hours. 

This poster provided by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) yesterday promotes this month’s IR career matching campaign.


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