IAS staff take up paid part-time jobs: CCAC

2024-03-28 03:17
BY Ginnie Liang

The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) said in a statement yesterday that two civil servants of the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) ran a business and took up part-time jobs without informing their superiors, in breach of the Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests.

The duo have worked for the bureau for over a decade, the statement said, adding that the CCAC’s graft busters discovered that both had, without asking the bureau for permission to take up part-time work, run wedding services together for a long period of time and operated the related business privately.

According to the ICAC investigation, there’s evidence showing that the two civil servants knew very well that they were supposed to get prior approval from the bureau before taking up the part-time jobs, as well as to fill in the declarations of their assets and income, but failed to do so.

According to CCAC statement, the two cases have been referred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for possible follow-up action.

In addition, both have also been subject to disciplinary action by the bureau for violating the requirement that they should not take up concurrent employment outside of their work as civil servants.

The statement did not reveal the gender, age, position and surname of either of them.

It has been more than 20 years since the promulgation and implementation of the Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests. The CCAC reminded civil servants who are under the obligation to file assets and income declarations that they should attach importance to and seriously comply with the requirements of the relevant legal framework, and to be truthful in their declarations. 


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