Embracing change

2024-04-08 03:01
BY Fong Hoi Io, S6B

When I was young, I was always taught to be a methodical person, to list everything I needed to do in detail and follow through each one, one at a time. However, as I grew older, I came to realise that it’s nearly impossible to strictly adhere to a predetermined plan.

One vivid memory that stands out is when I travelled to Japan with my family for a vacation. We had meticulously planned our itinerary, intending to visit each attraction in a sequential manner. Everything seemed to be going smoothly from morning till afternoon, until unexpectedly, the sky darkened and it started raining cats and dogs. Our plans were abruptly derailed, and a sense of disappointment settled over us. The ramen we had eagerly anticipated trying, the boat ride we had planned, and the sunset we had longed to witness – all vanished before our eyes.

Life is full of such moments, where the unexpected and uncontrollable become our companions. It can be disheartening when our plans are disrupted, but it is important to acknowledge that we cannot always dictate the course of events.

Having a plan is beneficial as it provides us with a sense of direction and structure. It can be incredibly frustrating to navigate through chaos when things are left to chance. However, it is crucial to recognise that we cannot plan every single step we will take in the future. Sometimes, it is better to embrace the unpredictability and go with the flow. Life is not meant to be entirely planned out; true fulfilment comes from embracing the spontaneity it offers.

The key lies in finding a balance between planning and flexibility. We may stumble upon extraordinary experiences through well-structured plans, but we should also remain open to unexpected encounters. Back to our trip – we met enthusiastic locals who offered us umbrellas, and we stumbled upon a little restaurant serving hot soups that turned out to be even more tasty than the ramen we had initially set our hearts on…and I found out that, actually, unexpected things aren’t always negative.

Our lives are constantly peppered with unpredicted circumstances, and the real difference lies in how we face them. If we find ourselves lost and unsure of the way forward, it is important to keep searching. Sometimes the most incredible moments and opportunities are born out of the unexpected.

In conclusion, while planning has its merits, life’s beauty often lies in its spontaneity. Embrace the journey, be adaptable, and remember that the most fulfilling experiences are often the ones we never saw coming.

Photo courtesy by Unsplash


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