Sudden rain storms & thunderstorms next week: SMG

2024-04-19 03:17
BY Ginnie Liang

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) said in a statement yesterday that a southerly airstream will continue to affect Macau today, with a gradual increase in the number of sudden rain showers and thunderstorms next week.

The observatory forecast a trough of low pressure to move closer to the southern Chinese coast over the weekend, so the number of sudden thundery showers will further increase in Macau next week, while the temperature will decrease.

The observatory pointed out that with the weakening of an upper-air anticyclone, thunderstorms have already occurred in the Pearl River Estuary and may continue early next week.

The weather station reminded the public that strong convective* weather such as frequent lightning, strong gusts of wind and even hailstorms are likely in the spring when cold and warm air masses meet, urging the public to pay attention to weather changes and the latest weather updates from the bureau before going out. 

*In meteorology, the term is used specifically to describe vertical transport of heat and moisture in the atmosphere, especially by updrafts and downdrafts in an unstable atmosphere. The terms “convection” and “thunderstorms” often are used interchangeably, although thunderstorms are only one form of convection. Convection is the transport of heat and moisture by the movement of a fluid. – Source: US National Weather Service.

This graphic released by the Macau Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) yesterday shows forecasts of accumulated daily rainfall between tomorrow and next Tuesday.


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