IC2, Artyzen Grand Lapa commemorate World Earth Day

2024-04-22 03:46
BY Yuki Lei

The Macau IC2 Association celebrated yesterday the World Earth Day at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau in Nape, with a raft of Plastic vs. Planet events including an environmental talk, pickleball game demonstration, tree planting, entertaining performances and healthy refreshments, aiming to trigger contemplation on the use of disposable plastic utensils and similar items.

Today marks the World Earth Day, an annual event commemorated on April 22.

This was the fourth consecutive year for the hotel and association to co-host the event. Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau General Manager Rutger Verschuren told the media yesterday: “IC2 is really inspiring other people to look at what they can do, what people did not think they could do, but they do it.” Both Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau and Macau IC2 shared yesterday the belief and concept of sustainability, committing to doing their part in protecting the environment.

IC2, standing for “I Can Too”, is a group comprising 186 members aged between three and 63 who have intellectual disabilities or are autistic.

António Luís Leong, president of the association, said in a speech that “the purpose of the event is to tell everyone that if we can do it, everyone can do it. Same as to environmental protection which starts from the smallest details and accumulates little by little. Just like IC2, we are a self-help organisation, although we are not in the same condition as you, we have patience and perseverance. We are not afraid of difficulties”.

According to the association, there are currently about 40 volunteer instructors who regularly organise courses for its members. Yesterday’s event was part of the association’s courses which aimed to train its members in relevant skills in a systematic way and to promote environmental protection at the same time. 

Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau General Manager Rutger Verschuren (left), Macau IC2 Association President António Luís Leong (centre) and an unidentified association representative host a tree-planting ceremony during yesterday’s World Earth Day commemorating event at the Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau in Nape. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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