Cultural Development Fund to offer CNAF applicants local subsidy

2024-04-23 03:32
BY Ginnie Liang

The Cultural Development Fund (FDC) will roll out this year’s complementary subsidy scheme – the China National Arts Fund (CNAF) Matching Programme – to subsidise Macau’s arts organisations and artists applying for CNAF programmes, with the application period running from today to June 11, according to the fund’s statement yesterday.

CNAF aims to support the development of traditional Chinese arts such as opera and calligraphy and promote the sinicisation of various art forms such as drama, opera, and musicals, according to the CNAF website.

Those applying must already have projects subsidised by the CNAF programme under the categories of “Creative Stage Works”, “Communication and Promotion”, “Training of Artistic Talents”, “Artistic Creation”, “Young Artistic Creative Talents”, and each applicant must the owner of a business, an association or a joint venture legally established and operated in Macau, or just be a local resident.

The project must not have been submitted to the CNAF before, according to the statement.

The FDC subsidy will amount to 50 percent of the CNAF subsidy, and the scope and duration of the subsidies will be the same as that of the projects funded by the CNAF.

There is no limit on the number of approved projects, while the estimated total amount of the FDC subsidy to be granted to the various project will be 5 million patacas, the statement said.

Interested parties can refer to the prospectus for details of the scheme on the fund’s website at, or call 2850 1000 or send an email to for enquiries. 

This poster released by the Cultural Development Fund yesterday promotes its complementary subsidy scheme for the China National Arts Fund (CNAF) Matching Programme.


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