New library lead architect Nuno Fontarra to deliver lecture

2024-05-06 03:18
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement on Thursday that a free-admission lecture by Nuno Fontarra, the lead architect of the architectural design team of the New Macao Central Library and a partner of Mecanoo Architecten BV from The Netherlands, is slated to take place at Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) on May 17.

The lecture, titled “From Concept to Construction: Deciphering Mecanoo’s Design Process”, will be in English, with simultaneous translation in Cantonese and Portuguese. It will take place in the centre’s conference room at 7 p.m. The statement noted that registration is available on Macao One Account’s “Activity Applications” until Sunday.

The statement said that Fontarra and the Mecanoo team will explain “the efforts and creativity required for the entire process of an architectural project from the initial concept to the execution”, among other topics, during the lecture, inviting those aged 16 and above who are interested or engaged in the fields of architecture, engineering and urban planning to attend.

The statement said that Fontarra has been engaged in designing buildings such as the Natural History Museum in Abu Dhabi and the Palace of Justice in Córdoba, southern Spain. He and his team have won several awards in cultural projects and competitions in Europe and Asia. Fontarra has also taught at the Delft University of Technology, the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam and Seoul-based Soongsil University’s design studio, according to the statement.

A lucky draw will be held if the registrants exceed the number of places, with those successful to be notified via SMS. More information can be found on, or “IC_Art_Macao” on WeChat or “IC Art” on Facebook.

This artist’s rendition downloaded from the website of the Netherlands’ Mecanoo architecture firm yesterday shows its concept design for Macau’s new central library on Praça do Tap Seac.


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