UM scholar now associate editor of 3 electronics journals

2024-05-09 03:17
BY Rui Pastorin

University of Macau (UM) Associate Professor Lam Chi Seng has  recently been appointed associate editor of IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, now having the role in three journals in the power electronics field, UM said in a statement last week.

In addition to the two journals, the statement noted that Lam, a local academic, is currently an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. The three journals are “among the top three international journals” in the electronics fields and are all SCI Q1 journals.

In international rankings, Q1 is occupied by the top 25 percent of journals covering a particular subject.

Lam is an associate professor in the University of Macau’s State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, the Institute of Microelectronics, and the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, according to the statement.

The statement added that both the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics are peer-reviewed journals published by IEEE Power Electronics Society. They aim to promote the development and innovation of power electronics in areas such as electrical appliances and energy efficiency, and “the exploration of new power electronics applications within emerging and selected topics”.

Prof Lam, who has won several awards, has co-authored or edited four international monographs, published nearly 200 journal and conference papers, and holds 11 patents for his inventions in the US and China, according to the statement.

The statement added that Lam is currently the chair of the IEEE Macau Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Chapter, the IEEE Young Professionals of Circuits and Systems Society (YP CASS), and secretary of the IEEE IES Power Electronics Technical Committee. 

This undated handout photo recently provided by the University of Macau (UM) shows UM Prof. Lam Chi Seng posing.


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