Police warn residents of ‘wealth-sharing’ phone scam

2024-05-14 02:46
BY Ginnie Liang

The Judiciary Police (PJ) said in a statement yesterday that they have received many reports from residents that an “official” from the government’s “wealth-sharing” handouts centre called them and falsely claimed that their eligibility for the cash handouts had been cancelled.

According to the statement, the Judiciary Police have confirmed the calls to be fake, adding that the fraudsters asked the victim to cooperate with them, such as by providing personal and bank information, or requesting the victims transfer money, which eventually led to the leaking of personal information or even financial losses.

Macau residents will receive their annual “wealth-sharing” cash handouts from July.

The statement said that in case of fraudulent phone calls, residents should reject any operation involving the disclosure of one’s bank account passwords, verification codes, and account balances.

The statement also reminded anyone who receives a call from an unknown number asking for personal information to “hang up” immediately.

If defrauded, residents should call the fraud hotline at 8800 7777 or the crime report hotline at 993, regardless of whether there is pecuniary loss. 

This infographic provided by the Judiciary Police (PJ) yesterday warns residents about the city’s new “wealth-sharing” cash handouts phone scams.


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