Xia visits academic & medical facilities, heritage-nature spots, egg-tart bakery

2024-05-17 23:51
BY admin

     Xia Baolong, who heads both the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, has visited today two universities, a science and technology park, and medical facilities, according to a statement by the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS). 

The day, the fifth of Xia’s ongoing fact-finding trip to Macau, was focused on Macau's two off-shore islands, Taipa and Coloane. Accompanied by Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng,  Xia met in the morning with members of the Islands District Community Service Consultative Council. Xia listened to their views and suggestions regarding the continuous development and improvement of livelihood-related matters in the two-island district, which includes the Cotai entertainment precinct. 

Later, accompanied by Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Elsie Ao Ieong U, Xia and Ho visited the private Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) for a briefing on its smart service platform and the university’s history gallery. They then proceeded to the university’s innovation and technology centre, where Xia was briefed on various research projects. Xia then visited the public University of Macau (UM), where he familiarised himself with the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, and other research resources. He also visited the Rare Books Collection which is part of the University of Macau Library.

In the afternoon, Xia continued his fact-finding tour in the company of Ho and Ao Ieong. They first visited the Islands Healthcare Complex – Macao Medical Centre of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. They inspected its conventional operating rooms, integrated hybrid operating rooms, international wards, and comprehensive medical centres. The visit aimed to enhance understanding of the functions and positioning of the hospital in terms of enhancing overall medical standards in Macau, and developing the city’s “Big Heath” industry.

Xia and Ho then went to the Nam Yue Science Park, accompanied by Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong, where they were given an overview about the science park's operation, and visited a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) factory, for a briefing on the production equipment and related processes. They also visited “Macao brands“ and “Made in Macao” enterprises based in the science park, and learnt about local enterprises’ development condition.

Afterwards, Xia, accompanied by Ho and Ao Ieong, visited a popular egg tart bakery in Coloane Village where they were shown the production process of Macau's Portuguese-style egg tarts, and learn about the operation of the bakery by its owner.

Xia then went to the erstwhile Lai Chi Vun Shipyards, one of the government's old-quarter revitalisation projects aiming to Macau's cultural-heritage tourism. Lastly, Xia and his entourage visited Hac Sa Beach in Coloane, one of Macau’s natural tourism attractions. 

Xia's "investigation and research" continues tomorrow, the penultimate day of his seven-day visit to the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC). 

Caption: HKMAO Director Xia Baolong visits Macau's well-known Portuguese-style egg tart factory in Coloane Village today. - Photo: GCS


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