Macau firmly opposes US report on ‘trafficking in persons’

2024-06-26 03:17
BY admin

The Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) government yesterday strongly disapproved of and firmly opposed the US Department of State’s so-called 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report, in which Macau was placed in “Tier 3.”

The Office of the Secretary for Security of the MSAR government stated that to combat human trafficking and related illegal activities, the MSAR, in accordance with Law No. 6/2008 and internationally recognized strategies, actively participates in international cooperation and provides appropriate protection to victims through the Human Trafficking Deterrent Measures Concern Committee (HTDMCC). The region also coordinates relevant government entities to assist judicial bodies in investigations and trials.

The office underlined that related crimes are effectively curbed, the incidence rate has remained quite low or even zero for many years, and the fundamental rights and safety of residents and visitors to Macau are effectively safeguarded.

It pointed out that the international community widely recognizes the MSAR’s efforts and achievements in this area over the years. “Authoritative data and information have shown that Macau is one of the safest and most economically vibrant international tourist cities in the world, and it will not allow its reputation to be distorted or erased by the unilateral statements of individual countries,” the office said.

Regarding the long-standing failure of the United States to address its serious domestic human trafficking situation while making unfounded accusations against various places, especially the perennial falsehoods about Macau, which go beyond the issue of combating human trafficking and are filled with interference in Macau’s internal affairs and clear ulterior motives, the office expressed its strong opposition.

It emphasized that the MSAR’s determination to combat human trafficking and other illegal activities remains unwavering.

The MSAR government will continue implementing relevant preventive strategies through the HTDMCC, coordinating government entities and all sectors of society to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of anyone in Macao, and the government is committed to working tirelessly with the international community to eliminate human trafficking and all forms of exploitation, the office noted.

– Xinhua, MPD


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