Nature and Me - Part 2

2024-07-16 03:21
BY admin

Organised by the Macau Professional Speaking Association (MPSA) and co-organised by Language Exchange & Cultural Promotion Association, Society of Food & Environmental Health (Macao), and Sustainable Development Association, the Macao-wide English Essay Competition (MEEC) wrapped up its 2023-2024 competition with an award ceremony on March 16, 2024, at the Macao Science Centre. A lively panel discussion led by the emcees with the student representatives explored what they had written and their thoughts on the theme: ‘Nature and Me’. 

This week, we share quotes for winning essays about peace, justice, and strong institutions, gender equality, climate change, life below water, life on land, and visions for the future.

Our Future

“Our actions today will determine the legacy we leave behind for the generations to come.” (Liang Jia Hao, Pui Ching Middle School)

“This striking reality serves as a chilling reminder that our actions, whether deliberate or unintentional, possess the power to reshape the destiny of our planet.”  (Feng Du Wen, University of Saint Joseph)

“Humanity can still salvage a long-lost harmony with nature and prevent our planet from going up in flames, albeit under limited time.” (Chao Pak Hou, University of Macau)

“These objectives are resolute commitment by nations across the globe as a testament to our collective responsibility towards Mother Earth, an obligation that we all must bear as stewards of this planet.” (Bryan Lee, Macao Anglican College)

Life on Land

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 is about sustainably managing forests, combat desertification, and halting biodiversity loss. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is the key to our own survival.

“Humans have been living in a modern metropolis for too long, forgetting the feeling of a leaf dropping onto their heads, forgetting the melody of birdsong, forgetting the euphoric sensation of nature.” (Cheong Lok Ian, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“We inhabit this cerulean [greenish-blue] planet, and nature forms the very fabric of our survival.” (Tan Jiaqi, Escola dos Moradores de Macau)

“What you do makes a difference, even if the impact is small.” (Leong Wai Lam, Sacred Heart Canossian College English Section) 

“My vision of a sustainable world is simple yet challenging to implement: to halt deforestation and desertification.” (Eugenia Lok, Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School)

“If trees disappear, the ecosystem and the food chain will collapse, causing humans to die from a lack of food. Deforestation will also cause many other detriments. If this continues, there is no way we can achieve our Sustainable Development Goals.” (Ho Sam Iao, Sacred Heart Canossian College English Section)

“We and nature are linked together, and our relationship may improve in the future if we unite and repair all the cracks between us.” (Li Elodie Yue, Pui Ching Middle School)

“Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the variety of life on Earth, in its every single form, from genes to bacteria and to plants and animals. I believe that biodiversity is the greatest blessing of humanity.” (Sara Win Sandar Maung, Sacred Heart Canossian College English Section)

“Envision a world where barren land is transformed into a green paradise. By planting trees, we are not merely placing seeds in the ground; we are sowing hope, health, and happiness for future generations.” (Lam Weng In, Our Lady of Fátima Girls’ School)

“On a local field trip to the wetlands, the instructor told us one thing, ‘Snakes attack to protect themselves when feeling disturbed. Nature is their home, and people are visitors.’” (Cintia Leong Ian Ut, Pui Ching Middle School)

“The relationship between us and nature is forever beautiful and binding.” (Tian Chi Ip, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

Clean Water and Sanitation 

SDG 6 aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This includes improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimising release of hazardous chemicals and materials, and lowering the proportion of untreated wastewater.

“The effects of inadequate water sanitation are profoundly affecting both human and animal lives” (Wan Hei Lam, Macau Baptist College)

“Water is a finite resource on our planet, and it is our responsibility to care for it.” (Rafael Khan Si Hon, Pui Ching Middle School)

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG9 urges us to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. This helps to meet future challenges and helps support economic development and human well-being.

“By merging our creative prowess with the wisdom of nature, we can break free from traditional thinking, uncovering new and sustainable pathways to construct a unique and beautiful vision for the shared future of humanity and the Earth.” (Chen Ziyi, University of Macau)

“To rebuild the harmonious relationship between humankind and nature, governments and enterprises must integrate innovation and technology into their environmental protection strategies.” (Willie Yeung Hio Ieng, Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School)

Responsible Consumption and Production 

SDG12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. How can we use and produce in sustainable ways that doesn’t harm our planet in the long run?

“By making informed choices and demanding sustainable alternatives, consumers can influence businesses to adopt more responsible packaging practices.” (Lou Pui Lam, University of Saint Joseph)

“As we face unprecedented environmental challenges, it is crucial that we recognise our responsibility as individuals to protect nature and become active participants in its preservation.” (Ding Xi, Macao Polytechnic University)

“We must become responsible for our consumption and production, making sure to use only what we need, reuse all we can, and recycle almost religiously.” (Chen Baoyi, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“We are inherently born within the realm of nature, yet we persistently contribute to the degradation of our environment.” (Xiao Sok Tan, Santa Rosa de Lima Secondary School Chinese Section)

Aquaponics [cooperation between plants and fish] allows us to rethink our relationship and interdependence with nature.” (Cheong Ieng Sam, Hou Kong Middle School Primary Section)

“Recycling helps to sustain the environment for both the present and future generations. Sorting and reusing process contribute to sustainable waste management. Donating items reduces waste and support the people in need.” (Hong Hoi Tong, Colégio Diocesano de São José 5)

“By being more thoughtful about what we buy and how much we buy, we can make a positive difference for the environment.” (Lei Seng Hin, Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College)

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

SDG16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 

“Local communities and indigenous peoples also need to participate in environmental decision-making. These people have extensive knowledge and experience of the local environment so that they can effectively protect local natural resources.”  (Lo Hou In, Choi Nong Chi Tai School)

“From my perspective, nature is more closely related to the achievement of worldwide peace and prosperity.” (Cheong Chi Hun, Pui Ching Middle School)

Sustainable Cities and Communities 

SDG 11 challenges us to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. For all of us to survive and prosper, we need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living conditions.

 “Being a student in Architectural Design, I believe that the designs that integrate the environment and architecture to address climate change have a role to play in helping to promote a sustainable future, ensuring the creation of healthier communities, and improving the overall quality of life.” (Cho Junhui, University of Saint Joseph)

“Urban trees and forests provide shade and cool the air through evapotranspiration, through which trees pull water from the soil and release it through their leaves into the air, which in turn reduces the risk of heat-related illness and makes cities more comfortable.” (Ravindran Jaden Jude Justinian, University of Saint Joseph)

“Although many view urban development as a sign of progress, it is, in reality, causing major setbacks in the connection between nature and our well-being.” (Lai Chi Ian, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“We can participate in local conservation projects, plant trees, and organise awareness campaigns to foster a deeper connection with nature” (Ieong Weng Hei, Tong Nam School)

Conversations about our relationship with nature are important for youths as they hold the key to our future. Read all the 61 winning works in MEEC’s Essay Collection Volume 3: Nature and Me, available online through their website:

N.B. An exhibition showcasing quotes from the winning works is also being held at the Universal Gallery & Bookstore in Praça do Tap Seac until July 19, which is open daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Explanations provided within square brackets provided by the Post. 

Photo and text provided by the organisers & co-organisers


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