SJM, Holy House of Mercy launch ‘My ElderFriend Programme’

2024-07-19 03:29
BY Rui Pastorin

SJM Resorts launched the “My ElderFriend Programme” in collaboration with the Macau Holy House of Mercy earlier this year, which has received “enthusiastic support and recognition” from SJM volunteers and members of the home, according to a statement from the company earlier this week.

The statement said that the programme aims to help the “elderly feel a sense of community care and promotes their physical and mental well-being, enriching their lives in their later years”, with participants also having formed friendships with residents of Our Lady of Mercy Home for the Elderly through regular visits.

The number of participating volunteers has increased from 25 to 50, while the regular visits have increased from once a month to twice a month since launching the programme, according to the statement.

Those volunteering must have social experiences and complete training on elderly care beforehand to better understand their physical and mental needs. The statement added that the volunteers also took part in the “My ElderFriend Programme – Caring for the Elderly Seminar” organised by the home and conducted by its management and social workers.

“The regular visits are conducted in small teams, consisting of two or three volunteers. Each team commits to visiting the same set of elderly people, nurturing long-term and enriching friendships”, the statement noted.

The statement added that each team prepares topics and activities designed to “engage and stimulate the seniors’ memories”, while volunteers also listen to and connect with the elderly, as well as participate in games and activities that ensure that they feel cared for and valued.

An SJM Volunteers Team member was quoted by the statement as saying: “The experience has been incredibly fulfilling, not only deepening my understanding and respect for seniors through their shared stories and wisdom, but also teaching me valuable life lessons.”

This undated handout photo provided by SJM Resorts earlier this week shows SJM Volunteer Team members playing a game with a senior citizen at the Macau Holy House of Mercy’s retirement home.


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