Lawmaker urges govt to heed eco-goals when buying vehicles

2024-07-23 03:42
BY Ginnie Liang

Directly-elected lawmaker-cum-unionist Ella Lei Cheng I urged the government in a written interpellation sent to the government in April to comply with the goals of environmental protection and to jointly implement a long-term carbon reduction strategy when using and purchasing government vehicles.

According to the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC), a total of 251,000 vehicles were registered as of February this year, 1,351 more than in the same month of last year, in line with the government’s target of an annual growth rate of less than 3 percent.

There are currently 1,797 light passenger vehicles registered as government vehicles, while the number of heavy passenger vehicles owned by the government increased from 211 in 2015 to 412 in February this year, according to the interpellation.

However, Lei pointed out in her interpellation that the proportion of electric vehicles owned by the government is relatively low, as she noted that in December last year, the government owned only 71 electric light passenger vehicles, one electric heavy passenger vehicle, four electric light motorcycles and 34 electric heavy motorcycles.

The Finance Service Bureau’s (DSF) replied to Lei’s written interpretation in a statement on May 7, which was released by the legislature to the media only last week.

According to a DSF reply to the interpellation, public entities must comply with the general specifications of price, cylinder capacity and horsepower before acquiring a vehicle, as prescribed by the Chief Executive by order.

Since January 2022, all public entities have been required to purchase fully electric vehicles, and are required to obtain official approval for the purchase of non-electric vehicles under special circumstances and special requirements, the statement said.

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) also noted in the statement that the government has been promoting electric vehicles in the public sector through various measures such as ensuring that enough charging facilities are always available in the carparks of all newly-built government office buildings, as well as adding charging facilities to existing government office buildings. 

This undated file photo downloaded from the Legislative Assembly’s (AL) website last night shows directly-elected lawmaker-cum-unionist Ella Lei Cheng I.


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