IAM urges public not to feed babies ‘Risotto Légumes Petits Pois Poulet’

2024-07-29 03:35
BY Ginnie Liang

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) urged the public in a statement on Friday not to feed babies a made-in-France baby food named “Risotto Légumes Petits Pois Poulet (18 mois)”*, which may contain black nightshade.

According to the statement, the bureau was informed by the Rappel Conso, a French public service that shares information about product recalls in France, about the problematic foodstuff – a 260 gram baby food product, batch number B31599 and a barcode number of 4062300081758 under the brand of “HiPP Biologique”, and its best-before date is March 12, 2025.

According to the statement, black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) is a herb that does not normally pose acute health risks to infants, children or adults, but may cause nausea and abdominal pain when consumed in large quantities.

Various baby food products of the brand are sold widely in local pharmacies. The brand name “HiPP Biologique” translate as “喜寶” in Chinese.

The bureau immediately issued an alert to the local food trade and dispatched officials to inspect the market, in order to prevent the continued circulation of the affected batch of the product in Macau, adding that shops should also immediately cease supplying or selling the product if they have it on their shelves.

Anyone who has food-related enquiries may call the IAM’s Food Safety Hotline on 2833 8181. 

*Risotto Vegetables Peas Chicken (18 months)

This undated file photo downloaded from the official website of “HiPP Biologique” last night shows the problematic baby food  “Risotto Légumes Petits Pois Poulet (18 mois)”.


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