Civic leaders call for measures to tackle falling windows

2024-08-07 03:31
BY Leong Ian Kio

The government-appointed Taipa and Coloane Community Service Consultative Council held a regular meeting yesterday during which concerns about various issues were raised such as the “persisting” number of cases of windows falling from a height, insufficient bus-stop planning, and driving safety.

The first part of the meeting was open to the media during which councillors raised various issues in their respective speeches, after which the meeting was held closed-door during which Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) officials briefed the councillors about the government’s various measures in response to the current typhoon season.

The meeting was held at the Seac Pai Van Community Complex in Coloane.

During the first part of the meeting, council members Lo Chung Yee and U Chi Lek both addressed the need to spread public awareness of window maintenance.

Lo said that “over the years” there have been over 200 cases of fallen window incidents in Taipa, adding that as Macau has entered its typhoon season, the need for periodic window inspection and maintenance was an important matter right now. 

According to U, window inspection work done by condominium owner committees in Taipa recently showed that many residents’ knowledge of window maintenance was lacking, such as some using cling film to “prevent” windows from falling.

U said that although the Urban Construction Legal System has been in force for about two years, which clearly states the responsibilities of homeowners to perform appropriate maintenance and repair duties, the failure of which to comply with will result in penalties, the public remains largely unfamiliar with the law. U urged the government to raise the public’s awareness of the prevention of falling objects and to strengthen public knowledge of the legal consequences of failing to ensure the safety of one’s windows. 

Moreover, Lo suggested that the government reference Hong Kong’s “Owner-occupied Property Maintenance Subsidy Scheme for the Elderly”, which aims to lower costs incurred by window inspections and encourage the public to develop the habit of regular window inspections.

Bus stops

Councillor Lei Hoi Ha, meanwhile, raised the issue about the optimisation of waiting areas at bus stops. Currently, Lei said, there are 91 bus stops without a shelter in Macau, most of which are due to being situated on narrow pavements. Lei quoted the Transport Bureau (DSAT) as saying that it will study the feasibility of converting 15 bus stops without a shelter into bus shelters.

Lei pointed out that as the bus stop outside the Macao Union Hospital in Cotai facing the Seac Pai Van reservoir is one without a shelter, she suggested that the government should prioritise converting this bus stop into a bus shelter as those using this bus stop, on a wide pavement, are susceptible to sunshine and rainfall.

Driving safety

Moreover, council member Fong Chi Kin brought up driving safety concerns on Avenida Marginal Flor de Lótus near Rotunda do Dique Oeste in Cotai. Fong noted that various roadwork projects are currently underway around the area, resulting in the paint on many road markings peeling off there. With reduced visibility at night, Fong said, drivers reported difficulties identifying the road markings while driving, emphasising that this situation does not only affect driving safety but also makes it difficult to determine liability when a traffic accident occurs.

Fong said that a similar situation has also been found on the road leading to Avenida dos Jogos da Ásia Oriental near the Taipa Waterfront Leisure Area, near Ocean Gardens.

Fong underlined that maintaining clear road markings can effectively guide drivers and reduce accidents. Consequently, Fong suggested that repainting the road markings be carried out as soon as possible at night with the aim of minimising the impact on the traffic during the day, adding that clear signs should also be erected at the work sites. 

The government-appointed Taipa and Coloane Community Service Consultative Council holds a regular meeting at the Seac Pai Van Community Complex in Coloane yesterday. – Photo: Leong Ian Kio


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