First sandwich-class housing project to be built in Iao Hon: Rosário

2024-08-08 03:44
BY Tony Wong

Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário said yesterday that a public housing high-rise to be built on a plot in Iao Hon district, which was announced last week, will be a sandwich-class housing project.

According to previous government announcements, sandwich-class housing projects aim to help middle-income households, i.e., the so-called sandwich class, buy residential property at concessionary prices.

Rosário made the remarks when replying to oral interpellations by lawmakers during a plenary session in the legislature’s hemicycle yesterday.

The policy secretary also said that the sandwich-class housing project will be the first urban-redevelopment example project.

The project in Iao Hon will be Macau’s first sandwich-class housing project to get off the ground.

The Public Works Bureau (DSOP) announced last week that the government will build a public housing high-rise on the plot, which is currently used as a temporary sitting-out area.

The plot was converted into a sitting-out area several years ago, after four dilapidated residential buildings on the plot were demolished over a decade ago.

According to the DSOP website, the plot, located at the corner of Rua Oito do Bairro Iao Hon and Avenida da Longevidade, covers 1,875 square metres, where a 30-storey public housing tower will be constructed, plus a three-level underground public carpark.

Rosário said yesterday that the sandwich-class housing project in Iao Hon would get off the ground “soon”. 

Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário addresses yesterday’s plenary session in the Legislative Assembly’s (AL) hemicycle. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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