Mainland Olympians to arrive in Macau Aug 31 : Sports Bureau

2024-08-19 02:47
BY Ginnie Liang

The Sports Bureau’s (ID) Sport for All Division Chief Lou I Wan announced yesterday that the 2024 Paris Olympic Games mainland Chinese Olympians delegation will visit Macau from August 31 to September 2, after visiting Hong Kong from August 29 to 31.

Lou made the remarks during a press conference held at the bureau’s headquarters yesterday, adding that the delegation will depart from Hong Kong for Macau on August 31, while the list of athletes will be announced soon.

During the upcoming three-day visit, the delegation will attend a welcome reception and welcome banquet hosted by the local government, and exchange views with local athletes, as well as visit the local community and the city’s landmarks. Members of the delegation will attend a public event, namely the Mainland Olympians Gala Show in the evening on September 1.

ID Acting President Luís Gomes pointed out that the athletes of the national team won a total of 91 medals at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, including 40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze, the best result for a national team participating in the Olympic Games held outside the motherland, demonstrating to the world the spirit of hard work and promoting the spirit of Chinese sport.

At the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, Team China won 100 medals, 48 gold, 22 silver and 30 bronze.

In addition to Team China, the Chinese regions of Hong Kong (officially known as Hong Kong, China) and Taiwan (officially known as Chinese Taipei) respectively won two gold and two bronze, and two gold and five bronze.

As Macau is not a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), it is unable to compete in the Olympic Games.

Gala tickets to be distributed for free

The gala will be held on September 1 at 7:15 p.m. at the Macau East Asian Games Dome-Coliseum. Tickets will be distributed free of charge and online registration will begin today, while the number of tickets to be distributed will total 4,200, according to Lou, with each person allowed up to two tickets.

Macau ID card (BIR) holders can register from 9 a.m. today to 9 p.m. on Saturday, and after registration, a lucky draw will be held, and those who have been selected will receive an SMS. The lucky ones can collect their tickets from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. from August 26 to August 29, according to Lou.

Members of the public are urged to use public transport to travel to the venue as much as possible and to conduct their own rapid antigen test (RAT) before departure.

Shuttle bus services will be provided on September 1, and interested individuals can register and find out the details of the shuttle bus services on the bureau’s website at

The Sports Bureau’s (ID) Sport for All Division Chief Lou I Wan (right) addresses yesterday’s press conference held at the bureau’s headquarters, while ID Acting President Luís Gomes (centre) and ID Sports Development Department Chief Chao Kuok Wai look on. 


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